Street Dance for Over 30s

Street Dance for Over 30s

How Not to Let Age Get on the Way

Street Dance Woman Dancing

What do you think when you think of a street dancer or someone that goes to street dance classes?

Maybe someone in their early 20s, achingly hip, had previous dance experience, physically very fit, flexible, knows all the current tunes and generally unrelatable to someone 30+?

Or, do you think of a lawyer, 48 years old, sociable, fun, 3 kids, working on her fitness, into fine dining and living in the country? The latter is a typical Neon Fuel client. The notion that street dance should just be for youngsters is a myth I am here to dispel. 

Find the right teacher, the right tunes and there is absolutely no reason why at the age of 30+ you shouldn’t be street dancing.



About 10 years ago, in a studio in Mayfair, I had a client in her 70s with the best spirit and she was a great dancer. Being of a certain age and just recovered from a hip replacement didn’t stop her rocking up to my hip hop classes.


At first, I felt cautious with Margot. From the tunes I played to how physical the routine was. But it soon became clear that I didn’t need to play radio edits of gangster rap, and she was willing to try any moves.


I had Margot down on the floor attempting the caterpillar and she became a regular street dancer until I moved studios. As an aside, I am always totally accepting if there are some moves people don’t feel comfortable doing physically, and always offer alternatives to the more challenging moves.


FYI, I’ve learnt over the years that people’s physical capabilities have nothing to do with age.

Age Ain’t Nothing But A Number

Bolder not Older: Street Dance for Older People

Iris Apfel Picture

I’ve been teaching street dance since my early 20s and most of my clients have been with me for the past 20-25 years. We’re now in our 40-60s with a continued youthful outlook on life.

Well, maybe a few more wrinkles, grey hairs and offspring knocking about but we still have the spirit of a Neon Fuel street dancer from 20+ years ago.


I’m approaching 45 and I feel like I am in the best shape (physically and mentally), a better choreographer and dancer compared to how I was in my 20s and I still have more to learn.

Admittedly, there’s the odd occasion when I wake up feeling stiff, I get a bit of back pain and I appreciate the need for sensible footwear. And when I see these amazing dancers on instagram/youtube, around mid teens-20s. I’m now looking at them thinking ‘those trainers look cool, but they will ruin your body!’

But, in essence, I see no reason to slow down because we’re aging. In fact, the opposite. As the accidental icon, Iris Apfel, famously said:

“When you get older, if you have two of anything, chances are one of them is going to hurt when you get up in the morning. But you have to get up and move beyond the pain. If you want to stay young, you have to think young. Having a sense of wonder, a sense of humor, and a sense of curiosity — these are my tonic."

Iris Apfel

I chatted to some of my clients who started street dance at the age of 40+ and I found it encouraging to hear that the majority didn’t consider street dance to be only for youngsters. Some did, but they felt quickly reassured once they started the class. Interestingly, a few had attended classes elsewhere that were intimidating because the fellow clients were a lot younger and/or pro dancers. 

My advice when choosing a dance class is to avoid studios which have that ‘Fame’ element to them. I have worked in a certain studio in central London where people go there specifically to get spotted for dance jobs. If your motivation is exercise then these sorts of places can put you off dance classes for life! 

Many commented how Neon Fuel boutique dance studio offers a ‘safe place’ to let yourself go, with no judgement and I pride myself on having cultivated a company culture like this.

Why dance is good for your body and mind as you age

The benefits of dance include:-

● A whole body workout

● Improves flexibility, muscle tone, strength and endurance

● Insanely good workout for improving motor skill.

● You flex the cerebral muscles as you are learning new routines all the time. I hear on a regular basis that dance can feel more mental than physical.

● It keeps you feeling and, if my clients are anything to go by, looking young

● You release those happy hormones every time you come to a class.

● It’s super sociable and welcoming. Admittedly, we can get carried away chatting in class so I sometimes have to crack the whip and bring it back to dance. I’m as guilty as the rest!

Whether you feel the urge to get back into dance, or try street dance for the first time, Neon Fuel
Dance is the ideal studio to choose for a fun, challenging and addictive class for any age

XXX Thalia
Choreographer & Dance Teacher
Neon Fuel Boutique Studio

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